So music has been moving forward, though there is still little to show off. With The Frigidaires recording, Everette has been out of town and we have been recording by ourselves with Alex taking charge of mixing. But it ain't bad having a house full of expensive microphones at our disposal. We go in, we throw up a mic, we rock, and we wallow in our rockfullness. We got one more tune to go. I got with Dave earlier this week to finish vocals for my solo stuff, so that's almost done as well. He also has great gear, a lot of patience, and resourceful mixing chops. Things are sounding weird and hip. I'll have some previews from both projects forthcoming.
In the meantime, I'm putting together some music for a landscaping website, incorporating natural sounds with my own brand of cool jazz. Just a few short themes to engage the user. Here's the main theme for the site. What you all think?
'Zito's Theme'